CC3 Copy Chrome Plating Kit 18 Liter

CC3 Copy Chrome Plating Kit

Part Number: CC3    
Improved More Complete Kit - New, Bigger Sizes
Looks Like Chrome - Has a hint of Blue!
Hard Like Chrome - Tougher Than Nickel!
Keeps Its Shine - Just Like Chrome!
No Dangerous Chemicals - No Fumes - No Corrosive Acids!
One coat system - eliminates 2 steps!



Larger Anodes – give more plating, with more even results 
Plates up to 5 sq m's of Copy Chrome™
Simpler Instructions
New Degreaser Tank Included
Copy Chrome™ is a SIMPLE plating kit that provides almost all the benefits of chromium plate - without all the hassle!
The entire plating process takes the same time as our regular nickel plating kit, 15 minutes for indoors decorative, 30 minutes for tools, 1 hour for tough outside jobs!
The Copy Chrome™ process is ideal for all your small items such as door handles, brackets, hinges, nuts & bolts, stamped steel covers, etc.
It can be applied to:- steel, copper, brass, bronze, old nickel plate, and with the aid of Zincate Primer, aluminum.
All instructions and operating procedures are detailed in the Caswell Plating Manual. Each anode will plate about 2.5 sq m of surface area at 0.0005" before it needs to be replaced.
The solution is virtually permanent. No waste chemicals or dangerous fumes are produced. The system operates at 0.5amp/ 100 sq cm and at 21 deg C. 


CC3    18 Litre Kit

2 x 20 Liter Plating Tank & Lids
2 x 150mm x 150mm Cobalt Anodes and Bandages
1 Pack Degreaser, makes 15 Litres 
3 Pack Copy Chrome™ Crystals with brighteners (Makes 18 Liters)
1 x Air Pump Agitator,
The Caswell Plating Manual
Free Technical Support 

Improved Brighteners NEW!! CASWELL NICKEL/COPY CHROME™ BRIGHTENER will produce highly ductile deposits, which are free from laminations.

It produces brilliant, white deposits of high clarity, reflectivity and depth. The deposit is active and can be chromium plated if specified.

Superior ‘leveling’ properties enable fine scratches and imperfections to be filled, enhancing the overall finish.

Our regular Nickel & Copy Chrome™ now plates faster with more coverage in the low current density area. It produces 20 to 30% more thickness in the lower current density area than any other system.

If you are chrome plating onto this Nickel or Copy Chrome, you will also get better chrome coverage in the low current density than any other nickel process.



Power Supply 

Heater for Degreaser
Copper Pipe for tank bar
Copper Wire to hang items
Small amount of electrical wire to make connections
Distilled water
Price: $899.95


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  • CC3